I am a bilingual, Mandarin-Chinese speaking Real Estate agents here in Manhattan New York, I have worked with many international students in Manhattan New York in buying their NYC condo during their study or work duration in Manhattan New York. Before we begin home search, I make sure that both the parents and the children has a good general idea about the local Real Estate market, purchase procedure and the help them find the most suitable condo for their needs.
We work with many parents buying for children in Manhattan New York, not just Chinese buyers. Whether if you are looking for a Mandarin Speaking agent or NYC Condo agents that have experiences helping parents Buying a Manhattan New York Condo for children, we are the experienced Manhattan Condo specialists that can guide you through this process and navigate through the Manhattan Real Estate maze.
It is common that many of parents we have work with have purchased properties in other parts of the world or United States, but keep in mind that Real Estate is unique and local, each area has their own set of procedures when it comes to buying Real Estate. Understanding the local market with the market expert can maximize your investment goal and eliminate any possible issues that may occur.
We thoroughly explain the process and prepare our buyers before begin home search, we have a team of attorneys, accountants, financial advisers and/or other parties to assist the purchase. If you are looking to have a smooth Manhattan Condo purchase, we can help. contact us now at (646)644-6929.下面是其他重要的文章中的信息:
Parents Buying NYC condos near NYU- New York University
International students’ parents buy Manhattan NYC Condos
大家好, 我是Eileen Hsu 許雅嵐, 你也可以稱呼 我Eileen. 我是在曼哈頓做地產的經紀人 (Chinese Speaking Real Estate Agent). 今天我們談一談父母親幫孩子買房子有什麼幾點要注意的.
第 一點是, 紐約這邊的房員有百分之八十五是合作公寓, 如果您在網上看到的話就是叫做coop. 另外一種是condo. 那condo是什麼呢? Condo的話,就是有產權的房子. 有產權的房子對我們華人來講是比較方便的, 因為可以自由的出租或者說是轉賣, 不需要委員會的同意或者批准, 只是有些表格要填, 讓他們通過而已. 那如果我們今天要來買房子, 幫孩子買, 大部分的華人是買condo的. 因為這樣子如果孩子以後就職在別州或者是離開紐約, 可以當作一個投資的機會來出租.
還 有,第二點是時間上的關係, 如果說今天您是, 現金買 成交最快也是要四十五到六十天, 四十五天是最快的, 如果你們今天錢已經準備好了在銀行在美國的戶頭. 如果說今天是要貸款, 貸款的話時間就不能掌握了! 因為現在紐約貸款是非常非常的麻煩, 除了貸款人自己要有資格, 第二點銀行還要審核每棟樓,每棟樓都要經過銀行的同意,或者是批准才能借錢. 像過去兩三年前, 只要是您要借款, 你要借錢 ,銀行就願意借給你.
今天您如果要在這裡投資, 或著說幫孩子買房子, 請您跟我來電, 我們可以詳細的談, 我的電話是646-644-6929. 也可以麻煩您打個 e-mail 給我 我會馬上給你們回電好嗎 謝謝!